Transferring Credits
Students seeking transfer of previously earned credits from other educational programs will be considered for advanced placement. These previously earned credits will not be computed in the grade point average. The program for each student requesting advanced placement is planned on an individual basis. A minimum attendance of the final academic year is required for graduation.
In addition to the requirements cited previously for the application process, the applicant must submit:
An official transcript from accredited institutions attended. Each transcript is evaluated on an individual basis. For international transcripts that need translation, The Belanger School of Nursing requires applicants to use the services of WES: World Education Service for course by course evaluation of the transcript,
Biological science courses (including Anatomy & Physiology I, Anatomy & Physiology II, Nutrition, Microbiology and Pharmacology) must have been completed within five years of desired enrollment and offered within a nursing science or biology department. There is no time limit for other college courses required in the curriculum. All courses accepted for transfer must have been completed with a grade of C or better. (C- or below is not transferable.) Courses chosen must be comparable in content and credit to the required college courses in the curriculum.
Current work experience in a related field will be considered when a request is made to waive the 5 year requirement.
Catalog descriptions and/or course outlines of courses to be considered for transfer/advanced credit, if requested.
A reference from nursing school(s) previously attended, if requested. The program for each student requesting advanced placement is planned on an individual basis. A minimum attendance of the final academic year is required for graduation.
An official transcript of the CLEP exam(s) taken. Credit is allowed for the following College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams which are applicable to the curriculum requirements: General Psychology, Freshman English or College Composition and Introduction to Sociology.
The Belanger School of Nursing accepts the recommendation of the Commission on Education Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education (ACE) for the recommended subject examinations. This information is published by CLEP in the brochure, "What Your Scores Mean" ( This information will be accessed by the committee as needed to when considering CLEP status.
An official grade report of the Advanced Placement Examination(s) sponsored by the College Board. The school will grant credit in applicable subjects to those applicants who have grades of 3, 4, or 5 in the College Boards Advanced Placement Program.