Curriculum Plans
Non-nursing courses are scheduled around the nursing curriculum and are available at
Schenectady County Community College. Students may complete college curricular requirements at an institution of their choice. Courses chosen must be comparable in content and credit to the required college courses in the curriculum. Persons interested in enrolling in the School of Nursing may complete any of the college courses before enrollment and receive advanced credit if the criteria for advanced credit are met. After enrollment in the School of Nursing, nursing courses must be taken in sequence. All course requirements for the first year must have satisfactory completion before progression to the second year.
The length of time spent in clinical and in classroom theory is determined by the number of credits awarded for each course.
The Belanger School of Nursing credits are allotted on the following formula:
Class: 1 hour per week x 15 weeks = 15 clock hours = 1 credit
Class Laboratory: 2 hours per week x 15 weeks = 30 clocks hours = 1 credit
Clinical Lab: 3 hours per week x 15 weeks = 45 clock hours = 1 credit
Students carrying 12 or more credits in any given semester and six or more credits for summer session are considers full-time.
To learn more about The Belanger School of Nursing, please call 518.243.4471.