Reinventing healthcare one patient at a time


Lactation Consultation and Support

At Bellevue Woman's Center, international board certified lactation consultants are available for your before, during, and after your stay with us. 

Before your infant is born, please attend our Breastfeeding Preparation Classes taught three times monthly by our Lactation Department. Visit the link HERE to sign up for our prenatal classes. 

During your stay at Bellevue, lactation consultants will visit your daily and assist you with any complications or questions you have regarding breastfeeding. Our lactation consultants work weekends and holidays to support your breastfeeding journey! 

After you are discharged, lactation consultants are available to answer your questions. Individual consultations are available through insurance and possible copay. 

Our lactation consultants are available at 518.346.9514 for assistance with breastfeeding.

Bellevue also offers a free breastfeeding support group every Tuesday, and the third Saturday of the month. Visit the link HERE for scheduled dates and times for our support groups. All support groups are free of charge. 

Contact Us

For more information about care at Bellevue Woman’s Center, please call 518.346-9400.