Reinventing healthcare one patient at a time
Stephen Pagano - Vice Chair

Ellis Medicine Stephen Pagano has been a member of the board since June 2011.

Mr. Pagano is a general manager with extensive executive experience in the cable industry. He worked more than two decades for Time Warner Cable, holding the following positions: Executive Vice President, special projects, Corporate; Executive Vice President, West Region; President/General Manager, Albany; President/General Manager, Staten Island Cable (a Time Warner Cable/Cox Partnership); and Vice President, marketing, Brooklyn/Queens Division. Mr. Pagano was honored in 2003 and 2001 with Time Warner Cable’s Golden Truffle award, which is given to the Division that achieved the greatest cable growth.

Prior to joining Time Warner Cable, Mr. Pagano worked for eight years in marketing roles for American Television and Communications.

In addition to providing leadership to Ellis Medicine, Mr. Pagano is a member of the New York State Archives Partnership Trust Board of Directors, and is a past board member of the Capital District YMCA and WMHT-TV, the Albany area PBS affiliate. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin.

Board of Trustees

David Horan
Stephen Pagano
Vice Chair
Janet Sapio-Mayta
William Faubion